Windows & Mac Browser Test: Chrome 17 vs Firefox 11 vs Opera 11.61 vs Safari 5.1

Download Google Chrome 17.0.963.79:

Download Mozilla Firefox 11:

Download Opera 11.61:

Download Apple Safari 5.1.4:

In this video I compare the best Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.7 Lion web browsers, Chrome 17 vs Firefox 11 vs Opera 11.61 vs Safari 5.1.4 to see which is fastest at Javascript, general web browsing, HTML5 compliance, memory usage and GPU hardware acceleration. Each browser has pros and cons as well as special features however here I just look at the raw benchmarks to determine the winner.

The benchmarks I use are the V8 Benchmark, Peacekeeper, Particle Acceleration, the HTML5 Test and memory usage with 5 tabs open. Each is run multiple times on both a Windows 7 desktop and MacBook Air OS X laptop to ensure a fair fight.