CineFix presents: Valiant Comics Unity #1 told via old-school 8-bit (& a little 16-bit 🙂 game tech before its November 2013 release! Subscribe to CineFix –
8-bit Cinema “gamifies” your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80’s arcade and NES inspired action!
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8 Bit a.k.a. the third generation of gaming started in 1983 with the Japanese release of the Nintendo Family Computer and Sega. Can you guess what games inspired our old school video game version of Unity?
INTRODUCING UNITY: Written by New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (Justice League of America, Mind MGMT) and superstar artist Doug Braithwaite (journey into Mystery), UNITY #1 is the FIRST ISSUE of an all-new ongoing series launching Valiant’s first ever superteam into battle against X-O Manowar!
To kill a king…he has created an army. The world’s most dangerous man, Toyo Harada, has been struck by the one thing he never thought possible — fear. Halfway across the globe, a new power threatens to topple modern civilization and, to preempt the cataclysm that is to come, Harada will unite the most unforgiving team the world has ever known — UNITY. Their mission: defeat the threat responsible for the destruction of MI-6, the decimation of an alien world, and the occupation of Eastern Europe… Unseat the warrior king armed with the universe’s most powerful weapon… Kill X-O Manowar!