These musicians were once all the rage, so where did they end up?? For this list, we’ll be exploring the careers of musicians who have basically dropped off the map!
Whether they had a chart topping hit, a hugely successful album or a significant presence in mainstream music, these artists have since faded into obscurity.
From pop stars like Duffy and Michelle Branch, to rappers like Lauryn Hill and Ja Rule and groups such as Alient Ant Farm, Good Charlotte and Gotye, we’ve unfortunately heard
very little from these once-household names. Are there any acts we’re forgetting? Let us know in the comments below!
Check more killer music content here:
Top 10 Musicians Who Died Too Soon
Top 10 Musicians Who Are Most Difficult To Work With
Top 10 Masked or Costumed Musicians
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#JaRule #ForgottenMusicians #OffTheMap #Ashanti #LaurynHill
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