Our first TableTop hangout with Wil Wheaton!
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Things mentioned on this hangout:
Family Games: The 100 Best and Hobby Games: The 100 Best.
Boyan’s AMA on Reddit: http://t.co/fVZHLtm7
Choose Your Own Adventure (series)
D&D Endless Quests
Lone Wolf books
Dr. Hanna(h) Twitter: @DoctorHanna, @ZombieDrHannah
Dr. Hanna(h) tumblr: doctorhannahzombie.tumblr.com
Geek Chic: http://geekchichq.com/
On The Table – http://onthetable.geekandsundry.com/
Games mentioned in this hangout:
APPS: Small World, Ticket to Ride, and Elder Sign.
OTHER GAMES: Formula Day, King of Tokyo, Smash Up, Lords of Waterdeep, Ascension, Agricola, Arkham Horror, Pandemic, Munchkin Cthulhu, Gloom Cthulhu, Savage Worlds, Bicycle® Playing Card Deck (Albino Dragon), Magic:The Gathering, Lost Cities, All Creatures Great and Small (2 Player version of Agricola), Legends of Drizzt (Wizards of the Coast), Sorry (Milton Bradley), Gin Rummy, Yahtzee, Fiasco.
GAMES FOR KIDS: Catan Jr., The Mad Magazine Game, Dungeon (Wizards of the Coast), Gold Digger (Out of the Box), Apples to Apples, Catch a Falling Star, Magician’s Kitchen, Bears (dice game), Happy Birthday Robot, Escape.