Go inside the complex, multi-faceted relationship between the Doctor and beloved companion Rory Williams (AKA Mr. Pond, “The Boy Who Waited” and “The Nose”) with commentary from celebrity Doctor Who fans like Paul F. Tompkins, Scott Ian, Hugh Douglass and Mark Sheppard in the Doctor Who Original Special: “Best of the Companions,” *** Saturday August 27, immediately following the U.S. Premiere of the midseason return, “Let’s Kill Hitler” at 9/8c *** only on BBC America
Their frank and funny answers, along with responses from devoted viewers at last month’s San Diego Comic-Con, will be featured in BBC America’s three original Doctor Who specials as we count down the nanoseconds until the August 27 fall premiere. Here’s the schedule — mark the calendars and set those DVRs:
Doctor Who: Best of the Doctor — Saturday, August 13 at 9/8c.
Doctor Who: Best of the Monsters — Saturday, August 20 at 9/8c.
Doctor Who: Best of the Companions — Saturday, August 27 following the Doctor Who premiere episode, “Let’s Kill Hitler” at 9/8c.
The lineup is a Who’s Who of DW fandom: Alison Haislip (The Voice, G4 correspondent), Chris Hardwick (Nerdist), Scott Adsit (30 Rock), Natalie Morales (Parks and Recreation), Eugene Mirman (Flight of the Conchords, Bob’s Burgers), WIRED Magazine senior editor Adam Rogers, singer-songwriter Amanda Palmer (Dresden Dolls), comedian/musician Reggie Watts, Danielle Harris (the Halloween franchise), comedian Paul F. Tompkins, former NFL player Hugh Douglas, and guitar hero Scott Ian (Anthrax). And Who fan fave Mark Sheppard — Canton Delaware III from the two-part season opener — will also be joining the festivities.
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