The PS5 and Series X and S pre orders on September 12th and 22nd have everyone wondering – who’s selling more consoles?
The war for what goes under the television is heating up, with the pre order fiasco’s dust settling and now we want to know the numbers. While numbers don’t lie, to tell the truth, we don’t know the exact sales numbers yet. We’re going to use the numbers of Sony’s estimated 11 million units produced, The Series X’s 825 000 units created to date, and some sales projections by an industry expert mixed with data from the last few rounds of the console wars to give you a fun filled three to four minute prediction on who will be the sales champ, and whether or not you can break out the champagne to celebrate your favourite console’s victory, or cry into a bottle of whisky (or if you’re under age – a glass of chocolate milk) to mourn the loss of bragging rights for a New York minute.
Were going to reexamine the Playstation 2 versus the original XBox, which (spoiler alert) Sony crushed it, selling a whopping 155 million units, making it the numero uno selling console of all time. Round two fared the XBox 360 a little better but it still lost the numbers game to the Playstation 3. And the third round, the PS4 sold more than double the units the XBox one did, and is going into round 4 confident, experienced, and with a large core or die hard fans anxious to spend their hard earned cash on the next generation of that.
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