Power Supply Certifications Explained

Everything You Need To Know About Power Supply Certifications

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What are the differences between the PSU efficiency certifications? Power Supply Units can save you dough on your skyrocketing electric bill and can make you avoid the Heat like you’re LeBron James, and preserve your precious machine through the years until the next big rig you want comes out and you buy and upgrade that. We’re going to go through how the PSU’s 80+, bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Titanium certifications work. We’re actually going to calculate how the AC input gets converted into the DC output your gaming machine requires, high school style, showing all our work and double checking our calculations so you can leave YouTube smarter and more critical about Power Supply Units, a useful skill in building mega gaming stations.

We’re going to talk about how each tier wastes less heat, and offers a very steady flow of efficient energy at three key benchmarks: 20% of maximum power, 50% of maximum power, and at 100% of maximum power. We’re going to show you how much of that output gets wasted as heat, to show you why you’re PC will run cooler and quieter with one, as PCs can be like babies – in the same way they cry when they don’t get enough milk, PCs and power supply make loud noises when they don’t get the power they need, and sometimes, its because they are running inefficiently. The energy certifications help guarantee a base level of efficiency, so you can game in peace.

0:00 – Intro
0:32 – What Does a PSU Do?
3:49 – Outro

Written by: Jean Bernard
Narrated by: JB
Edited by: JB

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