*** SPOILER ALERT. If you’re not caught up on the New Season of ORPHAN BLACK yet, you may want to skip this video, add it to your ‘Watch Later’ list, and watch the episodes first. ***
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Go Inside the Making of Alison’s Musical ‘Blood Ties’: http://bit.ly/1rZ4K49
Go Inside the New Season of ORPHAN BLACK: http://bit.ly/1fEbHr1
Watch the cast answer fan questions in Ask OB videos: http://bit.ly/1cz9ed3
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Relive Alison’s hysterical performance in the musical ‘Blood Ties’ this weekend, and watch as she drunkenly falls off the stage during her big song!
Don’t miss All New Episodes of ORPHAN BLACK *** SATURDAYS at 9pm/8c *** Only on BBC AMERICA