Legendary artist, producer and animator Bruce Timm returns to the world of DC animated films with Justice League: Gods and Monsters, a new full-length movie set in an alternate DC Universe. In this exclusive DC All Access clip, we check out the Justice League: Gods and Monsters trailer before getting the goods on a couple of other Gods and Monsters-related projects from Timm.
To take a closer look at the Justice League: Gods and Monsters comic book art: http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/04/16/exclusive-first-look-at-the-justice-league-gods-and-monsters-comic
For information on this weekend’s Guinness World Record event: https://www.facebook.com/DCComicsWorldRecord
Be sure to watch this week’s full episode of DC All Access, featuring an interview with Gotham’s Milo Ventimiglia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euhz2HJ6uiQ
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