#newtoWHO Stories from Comic-Con – DOCTOR WHO

When were you #newtoWHO?

“I was helping my friend make her boyfriend a birthday cake. We spent 22 hours making him a TARDIS-shaped birthday cake… and I had never watched an episode of DOCTOR WHO. Two days after his birthday… and I sat down for weeks and did nothing but watch DOCTOR WHO.”

“It started off as, ‘This show’s okay,’ and then you realize you watched 7 episodes in 1 night, it’s 4am, and you have to be at work in 2 hours, and you’re just like, ‘I can do 1 more.'”

“I remember watching [Tom] Baker with my Dad and it scared the crap out of me… So, when it was re-released in 2005, it was my chance to, kind of, watch it and not be ridiculously scared… But there’ve been a couple of episodes where we’ve had to leave the nightlight on.”

Now, share your own story of when you were new to DW by Tweeting @bbcamerica with the tag #newtoWHO: http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=my+%23newtoWHO+story+%23DoctorWho+@BBCAmerica

Don’t miss the all new season, *** Premiering Saturdays at 9/8c only on BBC America ***


Join the Doctor (MATT SMITH), his companions Amy (KAREN GILLAN) and Rory (ARTHUR DARVILL) – AKA the Ponds – and numerous friends on their latest escapades through space and time where they puzzle an unexpected invasion of Earth, save a spaceship full of dinosaurs, don Stetsons in a Wild Wild West adventure and are even kidnapped by the Doctor’s oldest foe.

The explosive series concludes with Amy and Rory’s heart-breaking farewell – a race against time through the streets of Manhattan. Will the Doctor really lose the Ponds forever? There’s only one way to find out…

And keep up with DOCTOR WHO on BBC America
