The world’s greatest DC Super Heroes are heading to Cartoon Network in the premiere of Justice League Action, an all-new animated series that will kick off with “Shazam Slam,” a four-part special event debuting, Friday, Dec. 16 at 6:00 p.m. (ET/PT). Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and based on iconic DC characters, Justice League Action will premiere new episodes Saturday mornings on Cartoon Network, beginning Dec. 24.
In “Shazam Slam,” the villainous Black Adam battles Batman on the Rock of Eternity and unleashes a horde of Djinn determined to turn the Earth back to its pre-human, volcanic state. Affected by the otherworldly powers of these primordial monsters, Batman becomes possessed and is turned into a giant flying Batmonster laying waste to the Hall of Justice, with only Superman capable of taking the fight to the Dark Knight. One by one, the Justice League – with the help of Shazam (voiced by Sean Astin) and The Wizard (voiced by Carl Reiner) – must hunt down and defeat each Djinn in order to yet again save the world from destruction.