Have you ever questioned: Can you boil water in a plastic bottle? Can you boil water in a plastic cup? Can you boil a water balloon? Can you boil water in a paper cup? TKOR has done some random experiments in the past and in this video, we’re just seeing if it is possible to bring water to a boil in plastic. Will the plastic bottle catch on fire? Will it fall apart and melt? We dive into the physics of boiling water and just how good of a vessel a plastic bottle can be for boiling water. We also have some other fun tests we performed. Hopefully this gives you an idea as to what can or can’t be used to boil water. Today we’re testing whether or not water in a water bottle can boil without melting the bottle, as well as a few other fun BBQ tests.
This entertaining boiling in plastic experiment is perfect for those wanting to know if a plastic bottle can boil water, can you boil water in a paper cup, can you boil lighter fluid, what is boiling point, how to boil water, hair spray in a balloon, can you boil water in a wooden boil, or can you boil water in a plastic cup?
If you want to test something creative and entertaining or do an activity such as: science experiment, survival skills, STEM project, STEM science experiment, science fair project, science fair experiment, or a fun weekend project…watch the video to learn more.
We also tested if you can boil water in its plastic bottle: https://youtu.be/_uYppDCWHjM
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Music by:
The New Fools – “Fifth Avenue Stroll”
Tigerblood Jewel – “Lasers And Stuff”
Victor Olsson – “Redneck Rumble 4”
Martin Klem – “Rabbits Foot”
Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound: http://bit.ly/2YZS8SH
This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
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