The past 12 months our channel has gone from 200 subscribers to 1.2 million. We had days where we were the top growing channel in all of YouTube. Amazing considering this channel all started as a second grade science project.
This video has highlights from our past year and relives some of the awesome moments that made this past year so special. We need to thank all of you viewers who have made this dream a reality.
2016 is already full of amazing adventures and awesome videos with some incredible brands. We will travel the world more than last year and bring you along for the experience!
Music was written by our friends Can’t Stop Won’t Stop!
Download “Up and Away” on iTunes! –
Follow CSWS on Instagram – @cswsmusic
License this song for FREE here:
We post a new video EVERY WEEK, so, if you liked this video and want more like this then SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT on what you want to see next!
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Filmed in 4k on this camera:
WARNING: Any project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. Remember our motto “We cut things open so you don’t have to.” so we do not recommend you try anything we do.
Are you a musician? We are looking for awesome new music we can feature in our videos! If you want to share your music, we will give you music credit in the description, go to our “What’s Inside?” music sharing site to submit and we may use it!