Discover tips for making delicious stir-fry.
All it takes is one pan, a little oil, and a lot of heat to make quick, nutritious stir-fry meals. And cleanup is a snap. In this video, you’ll learn how to stir-fry, the simple cooking technique that cooks food fast—no wok required. You’ll see how to get crisp, flavorful stir-fried vegetables and tender beef, pork, chicken, and shrimp. The key to stir-frying is to have everything cut and prepped in advance. We’ll give you tips for all the prep work and walk you through a recipe for chicken and vegetable stir-fry, including an easy finishing sauce. You’ll learn the best oils for stir-frying—oils that can take high heat without smoking—and you’ll see how to prep the pan before adding your ingredients. Stir-fries are easy, delicious, and healthy.
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