Welcome to Doha, Qatar- home of the 2022 World Cup. What is Qatar like? In today’s World Cup vlog we are taking you to a few of the most famous places in Doha such as the Perl and the Corniche as well as the official Fan Zone for the World Cup.
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Doha, Qatar is an interesting place. It seems to be a country of contrasts. Desolate deserts and beautiful beaches are all within just a few miles of one another. The truth is that we aren’t sure what to think of Qatar just yet. With so much of the development being brand new, it has in interesting feel to it. I think it is because there has yet to be a history to much of the buildings and developments that you see around the city. The skyline of New York City is impressive, but what makes it so neat is the stories behind the buildings and the neighborhoods they inhabit. That takes time to happen. The city is very visually impressive but we are yet to know what else Qatar has to offer. Luckily, we will have the opportunity to discover that for ourselves over the next two weeks.
We are the Kinetic Kennons and over the next few weeks we will be bringing you along with all of our Qatar World Cup adventures! We will be documenting the games, the Fan Zone, the cost of living in Qatar, what it’s like to be in Qatar during the World Cup, and everything in between! If you are interested in what the Qatar 2022 World Cup is like be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications!
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