Films with a Point of View…Literally

In this week’s Bit Rate, Valentina talks about her favorite films shot from the point of view of the main character. Do you think that this technique is going to become more popular in the years to come, with the constant upgrades to the GoPro Hero line of cameras?

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Watch the Films!
Bad Motherf***er –
Le Miroir –
GoPro: Shawn White’s Birth of a Board -
Flawed: Girl Power –
“No Escape” Interactive Zombie Movie –

Check out the MAKING OF Le Miroir –

Each week on Bit Rate, Valentina takes us through the top short films online. Gone are the days when the only outlet for new filmmakers was to desperately submit a creation to film festivals and hope that somehow a Hollywood insider reads your script. Let Valentina introduce you to the up-and-coming filmmakers that exist all over YouTube! From music-makers to animators, these innovative artists are making waves in a big way!

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