Drew Bezanson’s Uncontainable

CLICK to see the bike that survived Uncontainable: http://win.gs/BezansonBikeSurvived
What happens when the ramps you want to ride are so big they don’t exist? No stranger to testing the boundaries of fear on a BMX bike, Canadian rider Drew Bezanson has literally climbed the rafters at contests just to drop in higher than anyone else. Eventually, he reached the point where no current ramp set-up was high enough or big enough to push himself on. Enter Uncontainable, a custom-built set-up made of enormous shipping containers. At a secret location near his hometown of Truro, Nova Scotia, Drew worked tirelessly with a team of renowned ramp builders, led by Nate Wessel, to put together some of the biggest BMX obstacles ever ridden. Needless to say, Bezanson has gone mental. Feast your eyes on some of the gnarliest BMX riding like never seen before.
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