Drakes Passage – Motoboys of Sao Paulo – Episode 16

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Drake wraps up his trip to Sao Paulo by sampling the diverse food fare at the Mercado Municipal marketplace. He almost loses his lunch when he rides on the back of a motoboy’s rickety bike through the hectic streets of the metropolis, dodging people and cars along the way in the scariest thing Drake has done all series. Once safely off the bike, he stops by an urban art gallery and meets Baixo, the owner/curator, followed by a visit to a favela where the residents create art to beautify the dreary Sao Paulo slums. Drake ends his trip with a late night at a club where he meets Igor Cavalera, a founding member of the legendary metal band Sepultura and currently with his wife, the DJ duo Mixhell.

Stay tuned for the next episode.

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