He’s the British icon Americans have fallen in love with.
Now, don’t miss an All New World Premiere Special DOCTOR WHO IN THE U.S. *** Saturday Sept 29 at 8/7c *** immediately followed by the DOCTOR WHO Fall Season Finale “The Angels Take Manhattan” at 9/8c, only on BBC America.
Explore DOCTOR WHO’s many forays across the pond (no, not THOSE Ponds!). Luckily, this Time Lord knows his way around the U.S.A.
We’ll uncover the Doctor’s special relationship with the U.S., from Daleks on the streets of New York to robot gunslingers in the Wild West. The special includes behind-the-scenes reports from the Doctor’s death in Monument Valley, Utah and the Weeping Angels’ invasion of Manhattan and looks back with contributions from current Doctor MATT SMITH, the Tenth Doctor DAVID TENNANT, plus JOHN BARROWMAN (Captain Jack Harkness), ARTHUR DARVILL (Rory Williams), NOEL CLARKE (Mickey) and PETER PURVES (Steven, a companion of the very First Doctor).
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