Welcome to the DC Comics Art Academy, a series of art tutorials recorded at Comic-Cons featuring many of the gifted and unique artists working for DC today. In today’s installment, Silencer artist and comic book legend John Romita, Jr. sketches Batman while discussing how a character’s silhouette can really make him or her stand out, shares a bit about drawing action, and reveals how he discovered that Batman is the best character in comics.
For more from John Romita, Jr., check out the first issue of his new series, The Silencer: https://www.readdcentertainment.com/The-Silencer-2018-1/digital-comic/T1778700015001?ref=c2VyaWVzL3ZpZXcvZGVza3RvcC9ncmlkTGlzdC9SZWNlbnRBZGRpdGlvbnM
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