Magic: The Gathering Arena Adventures in the Forgotten Realm – Save Point w/ Becca Scott (Gameplay)

Becca Scott is back again in Magic: The Gathering Arena with the new set Adventures in the Forgotten Realm! Join us on Save Point as Becca goes through some of the new and most popular decks she owns while adding new and improved cards at every step of the way. All building up to Becca destroying her enemies with fire and magic with a smile on her face!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Loki: Who Is Really Beyond the Void? Final Villain Theory Explained (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)

With only one episode of Loki left, the question of who is the series’ real villain has still yet to be answered. The final moments of “Journey Into Mystery” set up a climactic showdown, but it’s still anyone’s guess as to what is in store for the finale. Is it Kang the Conqueror? Is it the truly the Superior Loki? Is it Miss Minutes with a frowny face? Dan fulfills his glorious purpose as he breaks down the multiverse of possibilities ahead of the Loki finale on today’s episode of Nerdist News!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!