30 Doradus: A Massive Star-Forming Region [Ultra HD]

30 Doradus (the Tarantula Nebula) is a very bright and active star-forming region outside of the Milky Way galaxy, at 160,000 light-years away. “30 Dor” is home to the central star cluster NGC 2070, including the most active region, R136, which appears in the central-right area of the image. R136 is a few million years old and contains many thousands of young stars, including several of the largest known. The bright blue stars shine out of the cleared cavity that is excavated by stellar winds. The redder stars are still partially embedded in the cloud material, seen in shadow except where illuminated by the cavity stars. In the infrared view the embedded stars shine more clearly through the intervening cloud material. ... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

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00:37 مراكز مايكروسوفت تحت الماء
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05:14 طلاب يتعهدون بعدم العمل لجوجل مستقبلا
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08:04 بلاكبيري كي 2 الجديد
08:44 المزيد منتسريبات بيكسل 3
10:01 تصاميم توقعيه للنوت 9
11:30 كيف بنشوف الاستفادة من كاميرا التروديبث تبع الايفون مستقبلا... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!