The Fascinating Lives of Bleeding Heart Monkeys (Part 1) | Nat Geo Live

Join Jeff Kerby and Vivek Venkataraman for a rare look at Ethiopia’s bleeding heart monkey, the gelada. The pair share stories of the species’ alpine survival techniques, bizarre diet, and unique relationship with the critically endangered Ethiopian wolf.
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Camera Traps Reveal the Wild, Elusive Lives of Snow Leopards | National Geographic

See rare close-up video of elusive snow leopards in Russia. Snow leopards live in some of the most rugged and remote mountains of Central Asia. The solitary cats are spread across twelve countries and have been found at upwards of 17,000 feet, making it incredibly difficult to calculate just how many there are. However, groups such as World Wildlife Fund Russia are improving their ability to capture the wild cats on camera, collecting more data, and gaining a stronger understanding about these mysterious cats. The more they can learn, the better they will be able to protect the snow leopards.
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