Visit to Dubai & World Largest Picture Frame !!!!

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◆ The frame measures 150 metres high and 93 metres wide.
◆ The two towers are connected by a 100-square-metre bridge, which has a 25-square-metre glass panel in the middle offering a great 360 degree view.
◆ It was designed by award-winning architect Fernando Donis, who also designed Dubai’s Porsche Design Towers, and the Dubai Renaissance Tower.
◆ Exterior design of Dubai Frame was inspired from the logo of Expo 2020.
◆ There is a museum on the ground floor that will showcase Dubai’s transformation from fishing village to metropolis.
◆ It is predicted the frame will become a major tourist destination in the city, like the Burj Khalifa and the Burj Al Arab.
◆ The project is worth Dhs160 million.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

ماذا يحدث لجسدك عندما تتوقف عن أكل اللحوم ؟! | كن نباتياً وإلا ينتهى العالم !!

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اللحم يعتبر شىء أساسى في نظامنا الغذائى لقرون عديدة ، والدلائل العلمية تشير الى أن البشر أعتادوا تناول اللحوم حتي قبل أن يكتشفوا كيفية إشعال النار، ولا أحد يعلم بالتحديد لماذا بدأنا بتناول اللحوم , ولكن الامر يبدوا ان له علاقة بالتغيرات المناخية ، كما ان هناك علاقة بين تناول اللحم وزيادة حجم مخنا , وربما يعزى ذلك السبب صغر حجم مخنا عن باقى الحيوانات , ولكن ما الذي يمكن أن يحدث إذا ألغي اللحم من قائمة طعام البشر بين عشية وضحاها... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

The Legacy Of A Whitetail Deer Hunter | Netflix

Buck Ferguson (Josh Brolin), famous for hunting whitetail deer, plans a special episode of his hunting show around a bonding weekend with his estranged son, Jaden (Montana Jordan). With trusted – but hapless – cameraman and friend Don (Danny McBride) in tow, Buck sets out for what soon becomes an unexpectedly epic adventure of father-son reconnection in the great outdoors. The comedy from “Eastbound and Down” director Jody Hill premieres March 10th at SxSW and will launch on Netflix July 6, 2018.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!