Step into a Miniature World of Animated Paper Wildlife | Short Film Showcase

Paper predators and prey spring to life in this visually stunning short from directors Dávid Ringeisen & László Ruska. An ordinary desk and typical office supplies are the backdrop for this micro-universe that carries the macro-message of wildlife conservation. While humans are left out of the piece, their impact is still present in a discarded cigarette butt that sparks an imaginary forest fire and an overflowing wastebasket that pollutes a fantastical rolling-chair river. This piece is part of the filmmakers’ MOME thesis project, the animation department at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary and was created for WWF Hungary.
Dávid Ringeisen & László Ruska:
WWF Hungary:
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Incredible Egg Art Will Awe You | Short Film Showcase

In Bukovina, a northern region of Romania, the Easter tradition of dyeing eggs has been elevated into an art form. Filmmaker Titus-Armand Napirlica along with production company Jungles in Paris profiles the beautiful work of Elena Craciunescu in The Egg Painter. Craciunescu is one of a dozen egg painters in the small village of Ciocăneşti. The town’s buildings feature elaborate motifs, which are reflected in the decorated eggs. Using a process similar to batik, Craciunescu uses an iron-tipped stick, called a kishitze, to apply a wax design onto a clean and drained egg. She then dips the egg into a dye bath and repeats the process of “painting” with wax and submerging it into other dyes to create a layering effect. The wax acts as a shield between each dye bath, allowing the egg to retain color from the previous dip. In the final stage the egg is held up to a heat source that melts the wax and leaves behind a stunning pattern.
Titus-Armand Napirlica:
Jungles in Paris:
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Night Skiing With Emergency Flares—One Epic Ride | Short Film Showcase

Watch Greg Tuscher and Nicolas Vuignier as they ski and snowboard at night in Wallis, Switzerland, with lit rescue flares attached to the back of their equipment. The sparks illuminate the mountainside and cast ephemeral shadows of the riders.
Produced by Nicolas Vuignier and Jules Guarneri:
Nicolas Vuignier:
Greg Tuscher:
Read a Q&A with the filmmakers:
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نظرية أفلام بيكسار السرية ” PIXAR THEORY ” | قصة واحدة تجمع جميع الأفلام !

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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شركة بيكسار ‎pixar‬ عملاق صناعة الأفلام الأنيميشن دائماً ما تضع إشارات داخل أفلامها لشخصيات بأفلام أخرى ستقوم بصناعتها مستقبلاً أو أفلام أخرى قامت بها
وربما يكون ما يقصده عباقرة صناعة الأنيميشن فى pixar أكثر من مجرد تلميحات بسيطة لأفلام قادمة أنما هى قصة واحدة تجمع كل أفلام pixar
وهذا ما سنحاول إستكشافة معاً بإستعراض ما يعرف بنظرية بيكسار والتى تفترض أن جميع أفلام بيكسار هى قصة واحدة مترابطة ولكن بلا بداية أو نهاية محددة فأول الأفلام قد يحمل بداية القصة والأفلام الأحدث قد تكون فلاش باك للأحداث قديمة... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Life on the Rim: Working as a Volcanologist | Short Film Showcase

Filmmaker Zach Voss interviews several volcanologists about their time in the field studying the Santa Maria and Santiaguito Volcano complex near Qutzeltenango, Guatemala. Many talk about trying to determine how to get closer while balancing the risk and reward of such a dangerously exciting profession.
The Short Film Showcase spotlights exceptional short videos created by filmmakers from around the web and selected by National Geographic editors. We look for work that affirms National Geographic’s belief in the power of science, exploration, and storytelling to change the world. The filmmakers created the content presented, and the opinions expressed are their own, not those of National Geographic Partners.
Zach Voss:
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