Take fresh fish, soak it in the juices of onion and lime, and what do you get? Ceviche (seviche), a traditional Latin American dish. But for Julia Ramos and her family, love is an added ingredient. Ramos, 85, has been making the dish for 60 years. She started selling ceviche in her 20s on the beach in Peru. Her dish became so famous that President Manuel A. Odría would invite her to prepare it for him in his palace. She still cooks to this day, but her family is helping to care for her and to carry on the tradition, running the restaurant Doña Julia.
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Young Orphaned Gorillas: See Their Adorable Bond With Park Rangers | National Geographic
At the Senkwekwe Center for mountain gorilla orphans in Congo, a handful of Virunga National Park rangers live around the clock with four juveniles whose parents were killed. The rangers see their families only every few weeks and are very close to their charges. Chief caretaker André Bauma along with his team have hand-raised the gorillas since they were first brought to the center. The first gorilla, Ndakasi, was found when she was just two months old, near the body of her murdered mother. Bauma cared for her like a human child—letting her sleep on his chest for warmth and bottle-feeding her to help build her strength. After that, three more orphaned gorillas joined “the family” at the center. Since no mountain gorilla orphan has ever been successfully returned to the wild, they will always depend on humans. To find out more about the heroic efforts to save the mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park, tune in to Explorer: Battle for Virunga, June 26 8/7c on National Geographic Channel.
Learn more about Virunga National Park and the rangers fighting to end illegal wildlife trafficking there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB7wHDHtr9M
Video produced and edited by Kathryn Carlson
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No Man Left Behind | National Geographic
Pilots shot down in hostile territory, Army units who strayed into the kill zone and DEA special agents on covert operations that spiraled dramatically out of control — in their own words, modern war heroes share their incredible and deeply personal tales of valor and survival.
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Why Zoning Out Can Be Good for You | National Geographic
Zoning out can actually help with creativity … but try not to while watching this video.
Watch: Would You Walk Into a Room With Millions of Bees?
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Froggy Style: New Sex Position Discovered Among Frogs and Toads | National Geographic
Believe it or not, among the nearly 7,000 species of frogs and toads worldwide, just six mating positions were known. But now scientists have discovered a new position, unique to the Bombay night frog. And while males in most species usually release sperm and females simultaneously lay their eggs during amplexus, the Bombay night frog has no contact between the sexes during egg laying and fertilization. The species, which lives in the Western Ghats mountain range in India, is also unique in that females will call during breeding season, a behavior only known in 25 frog species.
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شاكر الشريف – اكستريم نظافة #أذن_ولالسه
في رمضان شاكر عنده مشكلة مع الروائح و يعطي ارشادات و نصائح لناس لي ينسوا نظافتهم الشخصية…... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!