Adorable Bear Cubs Crash Campsite | Expedition Raw

Imagine arriving at one of the last places on Earth, where, as Bertie Gregory puts it, “wild land meets wild ocean.” It would take two planes, multiple car rides, and a ferry just to begin the journey. There is no access to the Internet and no phone signal. Then imagine a surprise visit in the middle of the night from two unexpected and adorable guests.
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The “Sex Factor” for Women in Science | StarTalk

Neil and actress Mayim Bialik, Amy Farrah Fowler on the Big Bang Theory, and an actual neuroscientist, talk about how women are portrayed in science.
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Fighting Wildlife Crime: “Poaching Is Stealing From All of Us.” | National Geographic

Although today’s media tends to focus on high-profile wildlife poaching in Africa, Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator Shelley Hammonds knows all too well that wildlife crime is a daily reality even in the United States. Her work for the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency allows her to give a voice to wildlife that has been illegally taken.
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Fighting Wildlife Crime: Communities Work to Turn Away Poachers | National Geographic

Fonimyam Njoh Christopher is the conservator of Kimbi-Fungom National Park in Cameroon. Christopher is working closely with local communities to gain support for the park. He’s encouraging locals not to help poachers or take resources from the park to make a living.
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