أكبر 10 حدائق حيوانات فى العالم وأكثرها جمالاً

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Watch: Most Monkeys Don’t Swim, But These Do | National Geographic

Proboscis monkeys have an unusual trait not seen in many other species of monkey – they can swim. Using their partially-webbed toes and fingers, they are able to escape predators and cross rivers to find food. Native to Borneo, they are now listed as endangered; less than 7,000 remain in the wild due in part to hunting and habitat loss.
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Dinosaur’s Feathered Tail Found Remarkably Preserved in Amber | National Geographic

An extraordinarily well-preserved dinosaur tail, with a fluffy covering of feathers, lies trapped within a piece of amber. The animal it belonged to would have lived about 99 million years ago. Researchers from China and Canada identify it as a juvenile of some type of coelurosaur, a group that includes birdlike dinosaur species that walked on two legs. But because the bones of the tail are flexible and not fused as in a bird’s tail, the specimen must be a terrestrial dinosaur rather than an actual bird. Lida Xing, first author of the study announcing the discovery, found the amber for sale in a northern Myanmar (Burma) market.
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