“Families around the world will come together with Beat Bugs, a new Netflix original series for kids inspired by the music of The Beatles. The animated original series follows five best friends — Jay, Kumi, Crick, Buzz and Walter — who band together to discover life’s most important lessons in an overgrown suburban backyard, which to them is their entire universe.
Beat Bugs incorporates more than 50 songs from the Lennon/McCartney ïNorthern Songs’ catalog and features covers by world-leading music artists, including P!nk, James Corden, Robbie Williams, Eddie Vedder, Frances, The Shins, The Lumineers and Sia. All 13 episodes of the show’s first season will be available on Netflix as of August 3rd, 12:01pm PT.”
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Beat Bugs | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix