A Multi-wavelength View of Stellar Life and Death in M83
William Blair, Johns Hopkins University
Although the timescales are long by human standards, galaxies undergo changes as stars are born, grow old, and ultimately die in supernova explosions. While we can’t standby and watch these developments take place, we can piece together the processes involved just by looking at carefully selected snapshots in time. Messier 83, the Southern Pinwheel galaxy, is a case in point. This galaxy is home to both significant new star formation and at least 7 supernova explosions in the past 100 years. Both stellar birth and stellar death can be studied, and often require observations in different bands of light with both ground and space-based telescopes. Dr. Blair will describe a multi-year, multi-wavelength study of galaxy M83 that has provided detailed insights about its evolution.
— News from the Universe starts at 4:04
— Main talk begins at 24:29
Host: Dr. Frank Summers
Recorded live on October 4, 2016 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA
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