“New York. It’s policed by Angels. Every time you try to escape, you get zapped back in time…”
Don’t blink as The Doctor says a final farewell to the Ponds – in the must-see DOCTOR WHO Fall Season Finale, “The Angels Take Manhattan” *** Saturday Sept 29 at 9/8c *** only on BBC America.
It’s a heart-breaking goodbye to Amy (KAREN GILLAN) and Rory (ARTHUR DARVILL) – a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York’s statues come to life around them.
With Rory’s life in danger, The Doctor (MATT SMITH) and Amy must locate him before it’s too late! Luckily, an old friend helps them and guides the way…
Will the Doctor really lose the Ponds forever? There’s only one way to find out…
Plus: Remember when you were new to WHO? It’s time to indoctrinate a new generation! Share your first DOCTOR WHO experience and your most important episode by Tweeting at @bbcamerica with the tag #newtoWHO: http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=my+%23newtoWHO+story+%23DoctorWho+@BBCAmerica
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