The Network – Official Trailer

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This year, Red Bull and Chuck Fryberger Films have teamed up to bring you a glimpse inside an elite network of some of the best climbers in the world – climbers who live to push their limits on the hardest climbs in the world.

They are all connected in a constant cycle of training, competition, and outdoor challenges. “The Network” connects both past and present – bouldering, sport, and competition climbing – and this cutting-edge film tangles the viewer inside the spider web of connections that makes up the world of the professional rock climber.

Join 6X world cup champion Kilian Fischhuber as he and the best in the game explore areas old and new for adventures, lifestyle, and some of the sickest moves in the world.

Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your “stoke factor” to be at an all time high.

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