Are boomers to blame for society’s problems?

“OK boomer!” We asked young people in London if the baby boomer generation were to blame for the political problems of today.

“OK boomer” is a meme used to dismiss the views of baby boomers, the generation born after the Second World War, who are viewed as out of touch and patronising towards young people’s concerns.

They are accused of not passing on to subsequent generations the societal and economic benefits which they inherited.

Millennials are likely to be the first generation to be worse off than their parents.

They are the best educated generation in history, with 32.6% of 18-year-olds gaining a place at university or college in 2017.

British millennial families are only half as likely to own their own home by age 30 as baby boomers were by the same age.

According to YouGov, most baby boomers in the UK voted for the Conservatives in the 2017 general election and for ‘Leave’ in the 2016 EU referendum.

Over 70% of people aged 18-24 voted to Remain.

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