★ Diablo 3 – DAFUQ you doin Blizz!?, ft. Kinetic

Diablo 3 Beta: DAFUQ you doin Blizz!? – Patch Update

Feels like it’s been forever since I last updated this series of Diablo 3 videos. We got caught up in a lot of exciting projects like the PS Vita and various other personal channel related videos. But I’m BACK! and ready to roll out some more D3 coverage!

What better way to reignite things than with an update on the latest patch crazyness and my oh my how crazy it has become. Blizzard has dropped some really big changes on beta testers and until now…things were quite acceptable, even exciting. This latest run of patching has thrown a lot of curves at players though and I’m sure Blizzard can hear the screams through the internet without looking at the forums!

In this video I’ll start by talking about the crucial need-to-know stuff. This Friday, and EVERY FRIDAY, continuing on even after the release of D3, I plan to upload a new video showing new gameplay and useful info for you! That’s right! Weekly Friday updates on D3 in Beta and after launch! 😉

Be sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest video releases! Also stay connected with Kanako and I through our social networks below!

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