Welcome back to a new episode of On The Table, your table top games news source! We’re showing you a whole host of awesome miniatures and games for you to enjoy and possibly add to your collection. Not only do we have far future tech from Antenocitis Workshop but we delve back into dark fantasy With Black Chapel Miniatures too.
We’re also discussing a few awesome card games including Pathfinder’s new Adventure Card Game and Warhammer: Invasion, both ones you can’t miss out on. We also have a look at the strange and (possibly) wonderful Tentacle Bento, is this really that good a game?
We can’t forget the fundraiser fix either and we have some doozies for you this time including the very cool Mars Attacks one! Ack Ack!
Previous Winner
The lucky winner of Mice & Mystics from last episode was…
John Gawboy (gawbo005)
So enjoy your prize and make sure that you tell us all about your fantastic adventures with Prince Colin and Company!
This Episodes Prize
This episode we have the awesome Fortune & Glory to give away from Flying Frog Games. Watch the show for more information but I can safety say that you will adventuring across the world looking to stop secret Nazi plots in this one!
Show Links
Antenocitis Workshop
Warmachine: Tactics
Black Chapel Miniatures
Fortune & Glory
Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords
Warhammer Invasion
Tentacle Bento
Mars Attacks: The Miniatures Game
Fairytale Games: The Miniatures Campaign
Mice & Mystics: The Ghost of Castle Andon