Butterflies – Simon’s Cat (A Valentine’s Special!)

‘A lovestruck cat has a bad case of the butterflies’

Have you seen our Happy Valentine’s Day animated GIF?

Directed by: Simon Tofield
Animation: Stephanie Mercier, Laura Nailor
Clean Up: Setareh Seto
Assistant Clean Up: Liza Nechaeva
Animation Supervisor: Isobel Stenhouse

Sound: Shrooty
Executive Producer: Mike Bell
Producer: Edwin Eckford
Brand Manager: Mike Cook

Simon’s Cat Team:
Emma Burch

Official Website: http://www.simonscat.com
Official Webshop: http://www.simonscat.com/Shop

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Facebook: http://facebook.com/simonscat
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Tumblr: http://simonscat.tumblr.com/
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What software do you use?
Butterflies was made using Adobe Flash.

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Thank you for watching 🙂