6 Weird Animal Group Names w/ Sock Puppets

No, these names weren’t created by a bunch of drunk zoologists. Yes, these animals are socks.

Puppets and animation by Alisa Stern

Photo Credits:

Mount Kilimanjaro Rising Above the Plain and the Clouds
“Mount Kilimanjaro Rising Above the Plain and the Clouds” by Roman Boed is licensed under CC B

352. Rain in the woods
“352. Rain in the woods” by MP Chandrasekharan is licensed under CC B

Hippos in the Shire river at Majete wildlife reserve
“Hippos in the Shire river at Majete wildlife reserve” by David Davies is licensed under CC B

Brick Wall
“Brick Wall” by Rebecca Howell-Gibson is licensed under CC B

Simplicity and Bamboo Forests
“Simplicity and Bamboo Forests” by JFXie is licensed under CC B

Blue sky with clouds 003
“Blue sky with clouds 003” by Dubravko Sorić is licensed under CC B

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