UNBREAKABLE FORTNITE RECORDS. Fortnite has taken the gaming world by storm and streamers are trying to capitalize on the game’s popularity and put themselves in the record books while they’re at it.
This is TheGamer’s list of 5 Fortnite Records That Will NEVER Be Broken!
Do you think any of these records could be broken?
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Fortnite has taken the gaming world by storm. Everyone has heard of this game by now and for good reason because it’s one of the most fun games you’ll ever play. Developer Epic Games truly listens to the community and comes out with weekly updates for the game. Oh, and by the way, the game is free to play! We mean, it’s free to play if you wanna remain a no-skinner pleb for the rest of your Fortnite days.
With every popular game comes streamers who try to capitalize on this popularity and strike while the iron is hot. Some of these streamers are casual gamers, but who wants to watch casual gamers when you can watch the truly hardcore pros. Some streamers are just so good at the game, you are absolute trash in comparison. It’s harsh, but true. If you’ve ever watched Ninja on Twitch, you would know exactly what we mean. These streamers are so talented that they don’t just want to put out great content, they want to break records. Some of these records are absolutely impossible to beat and we believe they will certainly withstand the test of time. Do you think you could go on a 67 game squads win streak? Well, you’re going to have to if you want to beat the world record. If you want to get the record for career kills, you better start upping your game now because you’ll need over 43,000 kills and counting. Without further ado, here are 5 Fortnite Records That Will NEVER Be Broken!
Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
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