افضل كفر ممكن تشتريه لهاتفك
How we can use the hiring process to bring out the best in people | The Way We Work, a TED series
Traditional job interviews are stressful interrogations that can often exclude marginalized populations. Here’s how psychologist and entrepreneur Gil Winch says we can rethink hiring, training and onboarding to allow people to show their true potential.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Can Any Liquid Work Inside a Humidifier? TKOR Explores How Humidifiers Work!
Today we’re testing out several random liquids (orange juice, coffee, bang energy drink, bubble bath and more!) and putting them into a humidifier. Which ones will work, and what will happen?... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
اسعار هواتف A72 و A52 من سامسونج
اسعار هواتف A72 و A52 من سامسونج
How reverse mentorship can help create better leaders | The Way We Work, a TED series
Employee diversity and inclusive leadership are goals for most organizations today, but how do we get there? Try a “reverse mentorship” program, which sets up junior team members to guide senior staff. Here are 6 tips to make reverse mentorship work, from executive coach and personal development advocate Patrice Gordon.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Spelunky 2 Developers React to Multiple Speedruns
Spelunky 2 is a pretty tough game. But if you know it well, are just trying to get to the end, and are amazing, then it’s actually pretty short. So ride along with Derek Yu (Lead Designer/Lead Artist), Micky Pascual (Lead Programmer), and Eirik Suhrke (Sound Designer/Composer) as they watch and react to speedrunner D_Tea’s very fast Any% run, followed by an Eggplant% run (whatever that is, it sounds delicious).... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
خلينا نجرب | هل ظلمت تقييم المسخن الفلسطيني ؟ نجربها ثاني
لا تنسى تشترك في القناة
حلقة المسخن السابقة
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