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Chief of Staff of the Air Force and the Chief Master Sergeant on race and understanding | ABC News
“My greatest fear is…that I wake up one day and one of our airmen will be George Floyd.”... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
10 حيوانات ولدوا بصفات لا تصدق !
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إن كنت تظن أنك تعرف اشكال كافة الحيوانات فأنت مُخطئ فكثيراً ما تُفاجئنا الطبيعة بين الحين والأخر بحيوانات ذات مظهر وقُدرات فريدة من حيوانات ذات لون عينين مختلفين إلي حيوانات ذات جلود غريبة ومظهر شاذ
إليك 10 حيوانات وُلِدَت بميزات لا تُصدٌق، هل أنت مُستعد للقليل من الإثارة!؟، حسناً لنبدأ :-... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Esper calls for accountability in Floyd ‘murder’
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday called the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer “a horrible crime.”... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Biden blasts Trump for Bible photo-op as protests continue outside White House l ABC News
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden accused Trump of turning the country into a battlefield for his rhetoric and for ordering protesters to be forcefully removed outside St. John’s Church.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Josh Gad to His Kids: Olaf Pays For Dinner! | The Graham Norton Show | Fridays 11/10c | BBC America
The ‘Frozen’ star’s daughters may want Moana to be their dad, but it’s Olaf who keeps the roof over their heads. All-new episodes of ‘The Graham Norton Show’ premiere Fridays at 11/10c on BBC America.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
Lady Gaga Wore a Diamond to Taco Bell 💎🤦♀️ The Graham Norton Show | Fridays 11/10c | BBC America
After the ‘A Star is Born’ actress won her Oscar, she kept her ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ bling on during a trip to Madonna’s and Taco Bell. All-new episodes of ‘The Graham Norton Show’ premiere Fridays at 11/10c on BBC America.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
A Chef Tries to RECREATE Takeaway Restaurant Curry
If you’re able to, ordering the occasional take away is a great way of supporting local restaurants and satisfying your foodie fix! In this episode, we celebrate one of our favourite takeout treats to see if we can get anywhere near close to the original, delivered goodness. So does the perfect Indian fakeaway exist? Watch on to see if we manage to crack the code!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!
مين الافضل العُصبان التونسي ولا الليبي؟ كسكسي تونسي بالعُصبان | خلينا نجرب
لا تنسى تشترك في القناة
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