أغلي 10 زجاجات مياه في العالم – لن تصدق سعر الاغلى فى العالم !

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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قناة متع عقلك الرئـــيـسـيـة ◄ http://bit.ly/2biocr1
قناة متع عقلك | حـــقــائــق ◄ http://bit.ly/2bwiDJt
قناة متع عقلك | شـخصيات ◄ https://goo.gl/QqcMkz
قناة متع عقلك | ألغاز ◄ https://goo.gl/Mrxggy
قناة متع عقلك | رياضة ◄ https://goo.gl/b7BWWJ
قناة متع عقلك | لايــت ◄ goo.gl/zgezQ0
موقع متع عقلك الألكترونى ◄ http://mat3aqlik.com
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Ultimate Adventure 2019 Episode 5, Wildfires, Cool Machines, and Epic Off-Roading in Alaska #UA2019

While some members of Ultimate Adventure spent the morning of Day 6 making repairs, the rest of the group headed to the nearby Usibelli Coal Mine to get a tour of Alaska’s only working coal mine and gawk at some of the biggest, gnarliest machines in North America. After a mine tour, we high-tailed it back down to Wasilla past active wildfire areas to the Transportation and Industry Museum of Alaska which has some of the best examples of backwoods machinery in the state. Finally, UA2019 closed out on Day 7 with the best trail of this year’s event, with a trip up to the top of Bald Mountain. Crazy vegetation, deep mud, and even some rock crawling are on this trail. A near rollover, a B-29 crash site from 1956, and an incredible 360-degree view were the reward. #UltimateAdventure #UA2019 #Offroading... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

اسرع طريقه لصعود البنايات 📍 | ⏮ اشياء فقط تحدث عند العرب ⏭

انضم للداعمين الفخمين واحصل على مزايا عديده
💫 http://tiny.cc/F5M 💫
||فيديو جديد بكره الساعه 2 “كيف تعامل حبيبتك بذوق واناقه 💕| الحب فين”
http://y2u.be/jmM5sAaicPA –~–
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The BEST Full Tower Cases – O11 XL vs Enthoo 719 (Luxe 2)

The Lian Li O11 XL and Phanteks Enthoo Luxe 2 (now called the 719) both hope to the the best full tower case for gaming and water cooled PCs. They have tons of space and features like dual system compatibility but is either one the winner?

Buy items in this video from Amazon at the links below:

Lian Li O11-XL: https://geni.us/O11XL
Lian Li O11 Dynamic: https://geni.us/O11D
Enthoo 719: https://geni.us/ENTHOO719

Check out the new Razer Blade 17 Pro: http://bit.ly/BLDPRO

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Review unit provided free of charge by the companies mentioned. This video is sponsored by Razer. As per Hardware Canucks guidelines, no review direction was received from manufacturer. Both of these companies are advertisers with Hardware Canucks.

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Gear list (Available on Amazon):
Main Camera (Dmitry) – https://geni.us/SONYA7III
Main Lens (Dmitry) – https://geni.us/Tamron2875
Main Camera (Eber) – https://geni.us/CanonEOS-R
Main Lens (Eber) – https://geni.us/dLL
Main 2nd Lens (Eber) – https://geni.us/Canon24-70MKII
Main Camera Mic (D & E) – https://geni.us/RODEMIC
Cheap 4K Camera (Panasonic G7) – https://geni.us/24nm
Awesome Slider – https://geni.us/1Hwt
Our Shotgun Mic – https://geni.us/Sennheiser-MKE600
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