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قناة متع عقلك | لايــت ◄ goo.gl/zgezQ0
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FAST! CHEAP! MOPAR! Pick Two! The Story of the Mythduster—HOT ROD Garage Preview Ep. 84

Watch the full episode on MotorTrend: https://bit.ly/32FMG9m
On this episode of HOT ROD Garage, hosts Tony Angelo and Lucky Costa attempt to do the impossible: build a fast, cheap Mopar! It’s the end of the season and the budget is tight but it’s been too long without a Mopar. Angelo has dug through every online classified to find a 1973 Duster with some goodies on it, and Costa does his best to cram a 2005 5.7L Gen III Hemi into the car on the cheap! Can it be done? Will the myth of the cheap Mopar die in 2019? Watch and see!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!