Ignition FULL EPISODE Maserati Levante: Are They Serious? – Season 15 Episode 187

In this full episode of Ignition presented by Tire Rack, Jonny Lieberman investigates whether the fabled Italian brand can actually build a decent SUV. Long known for racing glory, the Maserati Trident has never before graced the body of an off-roader. Furthermore, can the Levante actually survive off the pavement? More importantly, is there any way that even a drop or two of Maserati’s on-track heritage makes it into a fancy crossover? And is it or can it be any good? Watch and find out!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Putting Bacon in a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer? Astronaut Bacon? TKOR Tests Freeze Dried Food

What happens if you put bacon in a Harvest Right freeze dryer? Everyone loves bacon, but does a freeze dryer create the best dehydrated bacon? Is it an optimal way for freeze dried meat? What about freeze drying skittles? TKOR has done some random experiments and in this video, we’re seeing if it is possible to freeze dry bacon. We explore the chemistry of freeze dried food and if we can use a freeze dryer to make astronaut food, especially astronaut bacon. We also have other fun tests we performed. We hope this gives an idea as to what can or can’t be used in a freeze dryer. ... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

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