Uncovered and Undercover: Roadkill’s Next Rescue!—Junkyard Gold Preview Ep. 15

Watch the full episode on MotorTrend: https://bit.ly/2LkvVsv
Do you have speed on your radar?On this episode of Roadkill’s Junkyard Gold, Steve Magnante is at L&L Classic Auto in Idaho, exploring the strong arm of the law! This yard is packed with things that go fast; classic muscle, race cars, and some of the special ultra rare cop cars that were built to keep up with them. Follow along as Magnante uncovers an old-time gasser, a pair of GM’s greatest muscle cars, two impressive Interceptors, and even finds Roadkill’s next junkyard rescue project–a Roadkill-perfect Pontiac!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

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الخيال أصبح حقيقة مع هذا التطبيق من غوغل ، أنترنت في كل مكان

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صفحة البرنامج على الفيسبوك حيث سيتم الإعلان عن الفائز
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