The living tech we need to support human life on other planets | Lynn Rothschild

What would it take to settle Mars? In a talk about the future of space exploration, Lynn Rothschild reviews the immense challenges to living elsewhere in the universe and proposes some bold, creative solutions to making a home off planet Earth — like “growing” houses out of fungi or using bacteria to help generate electricity.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Minecraft | ماين كرافت: عرب كرافت 12 – هجوم على البيت – الباندا المريض – ريد مدمر مره ثانية

شكرا على المشاهدة لا تنسون الايك واشتراك بالقناه ونشر المقطع #الفراسيون #ماين_كرافت #قلب
رجعت لكم بمقطع جديد الحلقة 12 من سيرفر عرب كرافت اليوم طلعت لنا اقوى هجووم على بيت عائلة الفراسيون ووهجوم رييد جديد مره ثانيه و تعديلات جديده بالبيت وحاجات كثيررررر..... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Top 10 Awkward Moments in The Office US Series

These awkward moments in The Office US series still have us laughing and cringing. We’ll be looking at the most painfully awkward moments from the show and ranking them based on pure cringe factor. Can anyone watch this show without looking through their fingers? WatchMojo ranks the most awkward moments in The Office US series. Which Office US moment had you awkwardly laughing? Let us know in the comments!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!