The Dinner Table Cures their Hangover with Bacon Egg & Cheese Wontons

Our host Cara Nicoletti cooks for Ricky, Johnny and Jackie, the team behind Dinner Table, a speak-easy style restaurant in the East Village serving up Japanese inspired food. Ricky and team went out a little to hard the night before and Cara is going to cure their hangover by cooking them an insane feast filled with bacon, egg, and cheese wontons and steak and egg disco fries. There’s also some 40s, an electrolyte “sports drink” fountain, and tons of soft pillows and blankets. This is your hangover dream come true.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

اين اختفى جت لي نجم الكونغ فو والافلام ؟؟ | غرائب الاحداث حول العالم – الحلقة 47

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