2019 Cadillac CT6 V-Sport 4.2TT – Redline: First Look – 2018 NYIAS

Its been a while since we’ve seen a Cadillac exclusive V8 but that’s exactly what you’ll find under the hood of the 2019 CT6 V-Sport. With 4.2L and two turbos nestled between its cylinder banks in a “hot vee” this new V8 makes up to 550 HP and 627 lb-ft of torque. All that power is managed with standard AWD and a new 10-speed transmission. It should be a lovely addition to the Cadillac family.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

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أفغانستان، أوزباكستان؛ باكستان .. والعديد من الدول الاخري , جميعها تنتهي بلفظ “ستان”
لكن هل فكرنا في سر هذا اللفظ الذى تشترك فيها دول عديدة جميعها تقع في آسيا الوسطى، وجنوب آسيا... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

The Most Powerful Mini Gaming PC…

With an Intel CPU and AMD RX Vega M graphics, the Hades Canyon NUC is a dope gaming PC.
Can You Play Fortnite on a $200 Laptop? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xi2rurVAvs
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2019 Lexus UX200 – Redline: First Look – 2018 NYIAS

With so much sales success coming from the Lexus NX and RX, it would be natural for Lexus to introduce another member to their crossover family, meet the 2019 Lexus NX, about 5″ shorter then the NX, this new subcompact UX combines its diminutive size with an interior that is luxurious enough to wear the Lexus badge. It is also the first ever US market Lexus to get Apple CarPlay.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!