اودي كيو٢ ٢٠١٨ حسن كتبي برعاية الخريف التجارية

انساتي سيداتي سادتي اسمحوا لي ان اهديكم تجربة اودي كيو٢ ٢٠١٨ حسن كتبي برعاية الخريف التجارية الوكيل الجديد الحصري لماركة ياماها
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Jimmy Kimmel Puts CVS on Notice for Long Receipts

In an attempt at transparency, CVS will now let you know if the ads they use for beauty products have been digitally altered. It’s an interesting idea, but Jimmy thinks it’s a smokescreen for something we should really be upset about – the ridiculous length of their receipts. Jimmy has made an issue of this before and CVS promised change, but since nothing has happened, he has decided to put them back on notice.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!