Ancient Wild Dog Population Feared Extinct, Now Captured on Camera | National Geographic

The New Guinea highland wild dog was feared extinct in the wild after nearly half a century without a confirmed sighting. But after a pawprint and other possible signs in 2016, researchers set up camera traps in their remote mountain habitat. What resulted were more than 140 photos showing at least 15 individual wild dogs. Research is ongoing to the genetic relationship between this species and the New Guinea singing dog, a captive-bred variant of the wild dog, as well as the Australian dingo. Researchers are optimistic about the New Guinea wild dog’s chance of survival, particularly since the local mining companies have already been taking measures to protect the ecosystem around the mining sites in this remote location.
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#صاحي : “طقطقة ” 422 – مافي أحد !

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الثانية والعشرون من برنامج “طقطقة” – الموسم الرابع – والذي يسلط الضوء على مدرجات وكواليس مباريات الكرة السعودية.
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