Scrap Mechanic! – THE FLYING CHALLENGE! Vs Stampy – [#5] | Gameplay |

NEW GAME! SCRAP MECHANIC! In this video of Scrap Mechanic, it’s CHALLENGE TIME! We both have 10 minutes each to build a flying vehicle that can fly through 3 hoops, reach the top of the world and also see how can stay in the air the longest!! For those of you who don’t know, Scrap Mechanics is an machine-filled creative paradise of Scrap Mechanic, a multiplayer sandbox game with imagination and ingenuity at its core. Create fantastic machines, transforming vehicles or sneaky traps. The possibilities are endless with Scrap Mechanics powerful tools.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

5 رؤساء تم إغتيالهم على الهواء مباشرة !

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